(This event has already occurred.)
ACOW Special Edition
3-Hour CE Seminar
Six Recent Appraiser Lawsuits (and the Lessons from Each)
Live Virtual CE Class on Zoom
Approved for Appraiser CE Credit in Washington (and CA, ID, and OR)
(In Montana, a rule change is pending that may allow live virtual classes soon.)
Course Fee $50 (50% goes to ACOW)

I am pleased to present a “special edition” of my new CE class Six Recent Appraiser Lawsuits especially for Washington appraisers. It’s a fundraiser for the Appraisers Coalition of Washington (ACOW) – 50% of the total course fees will go to ACOW to help in its mission of representing appraisers’ interests at the state government level. And, to encourage membership in ACOW, every appraiser who takes the class and who is now an ACOW member or becomes a member before the class will receive a free copy of my book Risk Management for Real Estate Appraisers, published by the Appraisal Institute. The book normally retails for $60. I encourage every appraiser in Washington to be an ACOW member (Join Acow – it’s $75 per year). But regardless of membership, all appraisers in Washington and elsewhere are welcome in the class!
ACOW Special Edition Class Date:
May 18, 2021, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Pacific
[Registration is no longer available]
After purchasing the class, you’ll first receive a receipt and, later, within 24 hours, you’ll receive an email with the Zoom details. Because this is a fundraiser and because members will receive a free book, no refunds will be given if you cancel, but you may change to a different class date.
What’s this seminar about?
As appraisers who’ve been in my other classes know, my classes are not about boring E&O stuff. They are about real-world cases and problems. This seminar discusses the facts and legal issues in six recent lawsuits filed against appraisers (5 were filed during the pandemic) and draws the key takeaways from each case. The cases discussed address such matters as:
- The appraiser who allegedly left the faucet running and flooded the property. Who’s suing him? Why is the AMC being sued too?
- The commercial appraisers who reported they performed a complete inspection but missed the flooding in the basement. What’s the bank think about that?
- The appraiser accused of making a 15% error in square footage – will the appraiser be liable to the borrower?
- The appraiser sued 6 years after delivery of a report. Will the statute of limitations get the claim dismissed?
- What are the main reasons that appraisers are being sued during the Covid-19 pandemic?
- Do you need a giant Covid-19 disclaimer in your report?
Each class will be presented in Zoom. Like regular live classes, there are no quizzes, but you must pay attention and must have working audio and a video cam on your computer.
More details about the course:
Six Recent Appraiser Lawsuits (and the Lessons from Each)
3 Appraiser CE hours in CA, ID, OR and WA
Approvals: CA BREA 2010722002, OR ACLB VALE-C-1220-0002, ID Board of Real Estate Appraisers, WA DOL A21003643
Course Provider: Valuation Education LLC
Course Fee $50
- No refunds for these special edition classes: Because this is a fundraiser for ACOW and because members will receive a free book, no refunds will be given if you cancel, but you may change to a different class date.
- The course provider is Valuation Education LLC (operated by Peter Christensen and the Christensen Law Firm). The contact information for Valuation Education LLC is 805-696-2600 or [email protected].
- The instructor for the class is Peter Christensen, Christensen Law Firm. He is a member of the Washington State Bar.
- The course is approved for 3 hours of appraiser continuing education (CE) in: CA, ID, OR and WA.
- The classes will be presented live in a Zoom meeting.
- All students must participate by having working video and audio on a computer (this is a requirement for virtual CE presentations).
- I will need to receive a copy, scan or photo of your photo ID by email before the class to verify attendance (photo ID is a requirement for Zoom-type classes under the rules allowing them during COVID).
- As with most regular “live” CE education (and unlike normal online CE classes), there will be no tests or quizzes – but you must attend and follow the presentation to earn CE credit.
- Plan on joining a class 15 minutes before the actual teaching start time to ensure that you can login to the Zoom meeting.
Thank you, Peter Christensen